Generally, hard surface dominates the landscape of an urban square. Therefore selection of pavement materials is great of importance in the design phase in terms of both visual appearance and functionality. Various materials (e.g. stone, concrete, brick etc.) can be used in public square design.
Pavement materials must be durable and aesthetically appealing. Durability degree of the materials can decrease or increase the maintenance costs. Surrounding architecture and streetscape should also be taken into account to ensure continuity of the character and coherence. Focal areas can be created by changing the color, form or texture, as well as pavement material itself.
Similarly, by using the same strategy different uses within a square (such as seating areas) might be separated. Pavement material should be non-slippery, and suitable for walking or standing. Reflection of heat and glare should also be noted when selecting the material.
Handicapped or elderly people should not be forgotten in the design phase in terms of accessibility. Drainage is another factor that should be taken into account to provide comfort in different weather conditions.
"Advances in Landscape Architecture", by M. Özyavuz , ISBN 978-953-51-1167-2, Published: July 1, 2013 under CC BY 3.0 license. ©